Linguistic Immersions

It has been proven that the best way to learn a language is in short and intensive intervals. That is why we have created a new program called the Prime Business Fluency Program, which is a combination of online language lessons and in-house workshops together with a linguistic immersion at the end of the 9 month period.

This linguistic immersion will take place for 6 days in the beautiful city of Barcelona (Spain), although on demand it may be organised in other cities around the world.

In this part of the program we recreate real life business scenarios where students will practice their newly acquired skills.

At the end of their stay participants will give a final presentation to the other students and teaching members. This will give our teachers the chance to evaluate each individual on their performances while giving them the opportunity to put into practice everything they have learnt throughout the 9 month Prime Business Fluency Program.

 **The lessons will be taught by Keely Algar herself.


If you wish to participate or would like to receive more information, please contact us at either of the following addresses: info@keelyalgarlanguages or fill the form below.